
Our Roster of Books


One of Word & Deed's Best Sellers!

Price: $24.74 US
Published: December 2019


What they didn't teach me on my PGCE* *and other routes into teaching

Praise for What they didn't teach me on my PGCE* *and other routes into teaching

What They Didn't Teach Me on My PGCE is a must-read for teachers everywhere—a reminder of the joys (and lows) of being part of our wonderful profession.
~Professor Dame Alison Peacock, DBE, DL, DLitt, Hon. Fellow Queens Cambridge; CEO of The Chartered College of Teaching; Visiting Professor of the University of Hertfordshire; Teach First trustee; Author

I was a proud teacher and school principal. From my days in Carysfort to this Ministry, what I have learnt and wholeheartedly understand is that you can be clever, you can be brilliant, you can be knowledgeable, you can be creative, you can be a genius in your own lifetime. But if you don't use that genius and capacity to have a real impact on the learning of others, then you are not really teaching, you are just imparting facts. What is inspiring about this read is that we are keeping the passion-for-teaching light burning. It will motivate passionate teachers to be bright, shining beacons for their students.
~Minister Mary Mitchell-O'Connor, Irish politican, Minister of State for Higher Education in Ireland