
About Word & Deed

Learners in today's classrooms face unique challenges that were unimagined even one generation ago.

Word & Deed Publishing is dedicated to providing resources for educators seeking to address challenges and inequities so that every learner can reach their full potential. We see schools as places where all children must receive equitable opportunities for success and where the status quo must be challenged.

Our focus on equity and social justice helps educators meet the needs of today's diverse school environments. Our resources can support all educators with making significant changes in the lives of students and their families.


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Words of Praise...

Teacher Wellbeing: Flourishing in Schools by Noticing, Nurturing, and Sustaining

Cherkowski and Walker provide wisdom and insight that helps teachers and school leaders to reconsider their work from a positive perspective. Innovative guided reflections and actions throughout the book promote reader engagement. Practical, scholarly, insightful, this is a book that will be a resource for those in schools wanting to better support their colleagues, and to develop communities full of hope.

~David Gurr, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership, University of Melbourne.










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