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What They Didn't Teach Me on My PGCE: and other routes into teaching.


Pages: 408
Published: 2019
ISBN: 978-1999422448
Price: $32.35

by Sarah Mullin

Teacher training programmes are incredibly valuable, yet there is a limit to what can be taught in a short amount of time. Teachers are always learning and always growing as professionals. What They Didn't Teach Me on My PGCE captures the voices of over 200 educators who share their heartfelt advice, top tips, honest reflections, disastrous experiences and laugh-out-loud anecdotes about early career teaching. This is not an instruction manual, as all teaching is complex and situational; rather we invite you to ‘dip in and out’ of each chapter as you navigate the recurring themes, patterns and paradoxes. We hope you will be inspired, uplifted, amused and engaged as you reflect on these experiences, comparing them with your own, and celebrate being a member of the teaching profession.