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W & D Roster of Books

Case Studies for Inclusive Educators and Leaders


Pages: 303
Published: July 28, 2018
ISBN: 978-0-9918626-3-4
Price: $23.99

by Darrin Griffiths & James Ryan

This book features case studies from teachers, leaders and educational professors on inclusion in schools. Using a conception of inclusion that acknowledges issues of race, gender, class, sexual orientation, religion and ability, this book provides readers with a useful blend of theory and practice. Each case is situated in a school setting and offers readers opportunities to learn about the complexities and challenges associated with issues of exclusion and to develop practices that support inclusion.

Reviews for Case Studies for Inclusive Educators and Leaders

Exclusion in schools and societies--exceedingly various in its forms and targets--can be particularly difficult to interrupt when routinized and normalized, or as we see increasingly today, when masked by false claims to democracy. As educators and leaders strive toward inclusion in the most robust and complex sense, we need look no further than this collection by Griffiths, Ryan, and colleagues that magnifies the complexities, contingencies, and contradictions of doing so. The refusal to oversimplify that defines the vast array of richly detailed cases only pushes readers further to grapple, question, dialogue, and imagine.
Kevin Kumashiro, author of

We are living in a context fraught with tensions, conflicts and injustices of every kind. Griffiths and Ryan offer us hope not by providing easy answers, on the contrary by presenting us with an opportunity to reflect, to look into our inner self, our own value system, our own biases, our own prejudices and encouraging us to engage in responsive leadership - a leadership that is spurred by strong ethical behaviour. Each case provides the reader with an opportunity for growth. It is indeed a timely work, to be recommended.
Christopher Bezzina, University of Malta and Uppsala University, Sweden.